Employers nowadays look for new hires with experience in data science either implemented with R, Python, SQL, etc., and our UTEP physics graduates don't have any. So, enter Jorge Lopez and his great ideas: "Let us create a micro-certification program for physics majors to teach them data science".
My grandiose plan
I just completed my "certification on certifications", and now I am authorized to propose and create certification programs through the University of Texas System, and plan to propose one on "Data science in physics courses".
My plan is to create a certification program to teach topics in data science such as data cleaning, data mining, fitting, math operations, visualization, regression, optimization, and an intro to machine learning (cluster analysis) all using python, Jupyter notebooks and Anaconda.
I plan to do this in 15 "modules" that will resemble long homework problems that the physics majors will take while enrolled in five courses: Intro Mechanics, Intro E&M, Modern Physics, senior E&M and senior QM, three modules in every course. In this way the students will advance toward certification at baby steps and will earn their certificate in time before graduating.
My modules
I already have module one (calculation of gravitational attraction of satellite ViaSat-1 as it goes from perigee to apogee), and have blueprints for a second one (solution of Schrodinger equation). But need many more and, hence, the purpose of this post.
Your homework
The Purpose of this post is request ideas for more posts. They have to have the following characteristics:
Topic should be appropriate for the courses listed before, mechanics, intro E&M, Modern Physics, senior E&M and senior QM.
Problem should use extensive data (data can be produced within the module).
Should require analysis, plotting, fitting, optimization, a mathematical method, and the like.
Should be implementable in Python in Jupyter in Anaconda.
Fine. now it's your turn. post your replies in the blog, or send them to me at jorgelopez@utep.edu. I thank you and will be happy to give you credit in any product we craft (module, presentation, article, etc.)
Also please tell me if this certification should be free for the students, and if so, tell me how to convince my university to give something for free.
Finally, those interested on this topic, can find more information in the APS website of the Data Science Education Community of Practice (DSECOP).
Me interesa, yo trabajo con Mathematica por si le sirvo